Set yourself up for interview success

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Feeling nervous before an interview for a job you are excited about is a very common reaction, and an experience that most of us have had at least once! Creating a positive mindset, preparing for the interview and practising your communication skills are different tips and tricks that will build your confidence for your next interview.

The Seven Stages of Job Hunting: Applying for a Graduate Role

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Finding graduate jobs as you’re nearing the end of years of study is an exciting time. I remember applying for graduate roles like it was yesterday. I spent… Continue reading The Seven Stages of Job Hunting: Applying for a Graduate Role

Love the job posting but don’t meet all the criteria?

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Interest piqued. Listing clicked. You scroll down to the desired and mandatory requirements to do a keyword scan: It fits! Mostly… You scroll up to see what the company’s About.… Continue reading Love the job posting but don’t meet all the criteria?